Monday, January 30, 2006


Ok, so technically not a movie...but probably closer to what we traditionally think of as 'film' then a lot of the other schlock on television.

If you haven't tuned in to 24 yet this season, it's worth a look. While this show has taken a terribly brutal turn towards the torture lovin' right in the past few seasons (with visuals that rival Abu Ghraib...shut it, Omri!) , the current season is exploring what happens when a presidential advisor hijacks a presidency. Echoes of Karl Rove abound, though the guy that plays the presidential advisor is a lot better looking.

This theme hearkens back to the show a couple of seasons ago, when the vice-president tried to orchestrate a coup of the presidency at the same time that Cheney and the neocons were doing the same to Bush. Of course, Bush was a little more conciliatory...

Anyways, this show has a strange sense of prescience about current events. Though it is starting to get a little stale, there is still a nice sense of inter-agency bickering and geopolitical machination present in every episode.

It's never too late to tune in, and the official 24 website has an episode guide. Without Monday Night Football, what the hell else are you going to do on Monday?

UPDATE: My main man, Slavoj Z-to-tha-Zizek weighs in on 24.


Blogger ronvon2 noted on 1/31/2006 09:39:00 AM that...

"Echoes of Karl Rove abound, though the guy that plays the presidential advisor is a lot better looking."

What, you mean he doesn't look like a turd blossom?  

Blogger Omri Ceren noted on 1/31/2006 04:54:00 PM that...

Don't worry guys - some day you'll get one of the branches of the federal government back.  
